Medication Safety

Medication Safety

What does your doctor need to know?

  • Make a list of vitamins, supplements, and medicines that you are currently taking. Be sure to make a copy of this list in case of emergencies. 
  • Ensure that your doctor is aware of all the medicines that you are currently taking. 
  • Avoid taking any medicine without discussing it first with your physician. 
  • Make a note of how many refills your doctor has prescribed. 
  • Be sure to read the labels before taking any medicine. 
  • Use tools that will remind you when to take your medicine, such as calendars. 

Key points to discuss with your pharmacist

  • Ask your pharmacy to put on a large label on your medication in a language that you understand. 
  • Try to acquire your medication from the same pharmacy. 
  • Before leaving, review the side effects and the things to avoid when taking the medication with your pharmacist. 

What are the steps to ensure safe and accurate administration?

  • Read the labels carefully before taking your medication. Be sure to take the right dose at the right time. 
  • Check the expiration date before you bring home any medication. 
  • At any cost, do not store your medication in a hot or humid place. 
  • Do not overwrite over labels provided by the pharmacist. 
  • Store your medication in their respective bottles and do not mix them. 
  • Do not share your medication with other people. 
  • Store your medication where children cannot reach them. 
  • Report any and all side effects to your doctor right away. 
  • Plan your refills ahead of time. 
  • Ask your doctor about the next steps if doses are missed.